
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's settled then

I go to work Monday morning, October 1. My hours will be 8 - 2:30.

I am not all that excited about it. But, they were so willing to work with me on my time schedule, and they did meet my asking wage, so I'll give it a shot. I do still work for my old company, and I will continue to do so. Since they keep insisting that it's a temporary situation that will end as soon as they hire and I train someone, and since we still have two mortgages, and since The Boy is gone the same hours I will be gone, there is no reason not to give it a shot.

Who knows? I may like it.

Even though I'd rather be at home with my puppies.

(They are starting to get the whole go-outside-to-pee-and-poop thing.)


  • At 4:42 AM, Blogger carla said…

    I know that feeling of semidreading but feeling like you really couldnt say no since the gig met all your criteria & you can still be there for the boy.

    maybe it'll be fun?
    writing fodder? :)


  • At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good luck... change is always a bit scary.

    Congratulations on the potty training successes.


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