
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The bird

The Boy and I have some of our best "what did you do today" conversations while at the swingset when he comes home from school. I'm so glad that when I start work Monday (ugh) I'll still be home for this part of our day.

The other day he put his middle finger up in the air and said, "This is a bad finger isn't it, mommy."

"Well, it's only a bad finger if you hold it up like that," I replied. "Where did you learn that?"

"At school. S.avannah did it at recess."

She also dropped the F bomb. I'm so relieved that naughty behavior isn't reserved for boys alone (just kidding - we all know I can be naughty).

In totally related news, The Boy finished the week with five stickers on the calendar, one for each day. That's a full week of no notes from the teacher and no visits to the principal!

Woo Hoo!


  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger Cricket said…

    I am so glad he's adjusted to school. And he knows right from wrong!

  • At 10:15 PM, Blogger Not-So-Normal-Mom said…

    All stickers, all week!!! Nice! Congrats!

    As far as the bird goes, just wait until he's 13, and you're picking him up from practice, and you hear all the little boys cussing like sailors. It just makes something die inside...Innocence, perhaps?

  • At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    good luck tomorrow!


  • At 6:18 PM, Blogger Alleen said…

    I continue to end up chuckling at your parenting challenges. I picture him so sweetly showing you and asking if it's bad.


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