
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Friday, June 08, 2007

What would you do?

By the time I finish posting all these pictures from the new house, you will all be wondering why on earth we decided to buy this particular one.

This is one view of the master bedroom. To the right of the dark purple alcove is the walk in closet. Inside the closet and directly left is the bathroom, sans a sink. I don't know if she planned it that way or not, but she is very proud of this antique bureau that she converted to a sink. It was not plumbed in the original house plans, but was an afterthought. Like, "Gee, what's a bathroom without a sink? I guess we forgot that part. Hey! I know! Let's put one out here in the closet!"

Whereas I stand to inherit some very nice antique pieces of furniture one day, I have none now. So, this washstand does not really fit in with the decor of my house.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's beautiful. This house currently is home to a great many antiques, so this goes with the territory.

But, as MFH and I were touring houses to buy, we oohed and aahed over the magnificent master baths with their huge counters and huge vanities and two - yes TWO - sinks. MFH has yearned for the day that he would actually have a drawer or maybe even two, in the vanity perhaps, for his stuff. I am a hog that way.

I am torn.

Would you rip the bureau out and replace it with more modern furnishings? By that I mean a more traditional vanity/counter/sink combination.

Let's not discuss what to do about the purple paint except to say that it's my least favorite color next to blue. But, it does complement my favorite decorating color which is sage, so I may keep it purple for now. I already have enough painting to do.


  • At 3:09 PM, Blogger DD said…

    If you pull out the bureau, would you replace it with just some new furniture or a different sink? Where would you put the sink if you just plan to put in new furniture.

    I admit that I like it and wouldn't change anything but the purple.

  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Alleen said…

    Hmmmmmm. I definitely like nice big vanities with two sinks (at least my side stays clean!!).

    I love sage too! Our master bedroom is that color.

  • At 5:33 PM, Blogger Cricket said…

    I don't think anything of hers matches. It is odd. Ecclectic is one thing, but that stuff doesn't blend.

    An oak dresser like that isn't really a treasured antique. They are pretty much a dime a dozen. Back when we were buying antiques, it would have gone for about $200-300. I don't think you'd be trashing a valuable heirloom. Do you have Freecycle around you? Maybe somebody would want it.

  • At 4:07 PM, Blogger Suz said…

    Our marriage is partially based on having two sinks. Seriously. We resolved about half of our arguments by moving from one sink to two. I would remove it, and if you really liked it, put in a smaller bathroom, but otherwise --- buh bye.

  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Not-So-Normal-Mom said…

    We have two sinks, too. I love it!!! And, my darling, this is YOUR new home. Don't think of it as someone else's old home. Do with it what you will. Make it yours.


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