
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

He's all better but I'm not

I called The Boy's preschool at 2:30 this afternoon to check on him.

He is just fine, which is what I expected. He was 98.9 this morning. I don't question that he had a low grade fever yesterday or the day before. However, there were no other symptoms except that he asked to lay down. That is out of character for him.

I love that he wants to be at home with mommy.

It tears me up inside that we can't have that.

I'm having a bad mom day.


  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Cricket said…

    I just admitted to my mother that my 9yo son has been sleeping with me since August. Incredulous, she asked why. I told her that he'll be hating me soon enough, so I want to take advantage of it while I can.

    In whatever ways you are able, you will take advantge of it while you can. It feels so good to be so trusted, loved, and depended on.

  • At 4:10 PM, Blogger DD said…

    I'm sorry that you feel a little twisted up inside. He's got so much love for you, that's very obvious. Vice versa, of course.

  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger Suz said…

    I'm so sorry. I travel for business and the separation can really suck.


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