
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Friday, February 16, 2007

He cracks me up

The other day there was a commercial on television for S.pace B.ags - you know, those bags that you pack things in and then suck the air out of and they compress into practically nothing? I mentioned to The Boy how cool it would be to get some of those for our upcoming supposed move.

Also, my MIL told me that I should clear out my closets so they look roomier. Heaven forbid people try to envision their own stuff in my closet instead of my stuff stuffed in my closets.

I wonder how I could compress my shoe collection into these bags? If my clothing would deter people from buying my house, what on earth would they think of my massive amount of shoes?

Anyway, last weekend The Boy and I were wandering around Wal-mart when he said, "Hey mama, there's the s.pace b.ags. We should buy some!"

I turned around and there was an end display. Surprised, I said, "You're right! How did you know those were s.pace b.ags?"

"I can read now," he said, very matter of factly.


  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger Cricket said…

    I love the boost it gives my son when I follow his advice.

    I'd have bought a space bag just cause...

    In fact, I have about six packages containing multiple space bags and have been storing them along with all the other crap for probably five years. Go figure.

    I should train my son in filling and vacuuming them, how very much fun they'd be to use, to bring ths boost full circle.

  • At 12:03 PM, Blogger DD said…

    I'm amazed that my son seems to only be able to "read" the packages of items advertised on Nickelodeon.

    I would agree that the emptier you can get things (de-clutter), the more appealing to a potential buyer. I'm guessing you will buy a house before you try to sell? If so, it'll be ideal to move all the non-essentials out, including any kitchen gadgets. If you list the house for sale first, it might be worth it to rent storage for the same purpose.

  • At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    moving is traumatic.

    S.pace B.ags seem so cool... I need to de-clutter

  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger Not-So-Normal-Mom said…

    When my oldest was little, he used to "read" the entire Foot book (Dr Seuss). It wowed people. He was only about 2 1/2 at the time. It's so great when they are proud of their new skills!!

  • At 11:06 AM, Blogger Alleen said…

    Too funny that he just matter-of-factly stated that he can now read... I bet you cracked up!

    If you try the bags, you'll have to report back if they actually work.

  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger Jessie said…

    I've been wondering about those bags too! C'mon now, post a review!


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