
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

In Bloom

I have been a part of my husband's family for around 17 years now. One of my favorite people has always been Aunt D. She is the epitome of class. The "matriarch" so to speak. Always dressed to the nines, face perfectly painted on, not a hair out of place. Not snooty, though. She is always friendly and genuinely happy to see you. She has a wonderful sense of humor and a sharp tongue. She was a stay at home mom, of course. In fact, she has never had a job. Her job was to take care of Uncle B and the girls.

Now the two of them have been in assisted living for some time. Recently Uncle B got moved to the nursing home side. He is old and his body is failing him. My in-laws are awesome people - very kind and they take care of all the old relatives. They have been running Aunt D back and forth to the hospital and helping her make difficult decisions.

From the last post I wrote it's evident that I have changed in the past few years. I was ready for change. My son is a most wonderful part of my life. I know that he makes me complete.

My in-laws were here for the boy's bash this weekend. My mother-in-law told me that one day last week Aunt D said, "Stiletto has just blossomed since they brought the boy home!"

That is very high praise indeed.


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