
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Friday, April 28, 2006

The good old days....and the future

I love Fridays! I am leaving early to begin my preparation for The Boy's birthday bash. Okay, it is also an excuse for all of us adults to get together and party a little. Back in the day, before any of us had kids - oh, like 5 years ago - we partied a lot. I am sure there are folks out there that think we partied too much. We had something going on every weekend. We all have Harleys that now collect more dust than they do road miles. But as the kids get older, that will change. The Boy can now understand to hang on and sit still and we hope to get back in the saddle, so to speak. It will be good. I miss my friends. Not all of them, and I really don't miss any of the drama, but I miss my good friends. The ones that watch your back. The ones that you can say anything to about anyone and they won't repeat it.

We had a bar that we hung out at back then. It was our 'Cheers'. We stopped for a cold one every Wednesday that sometimes turned into more than one. Eventually everyone would end up there. That's when we made our plans for the weekend.

The bar closed, got sold, and eventually got torn down. We started families.

We thought we would raise our kids together. We sounded like teenagers instead of grown women. We had good intentions, it's just that life gets in the way I guess. Life is messy like that. We have different careers on different sides of town and the kids don't go to the same preschool. Our kids are friends, though, and that's a good thing. They will be there for each other just like their parents.

We had a boy. A and E had a girl. The boy is Guatemalan and the girl is half Korean. We joke about how much we would hate to be in-laws. Then we look at the two of them and all four of us agree, "they would make beautiful babies together."


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