
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Under the Influence

I wash the hockey player's clothes for him. Over the past year and three resident hockey players, I've learned it's just easier to throw their laundry in with ours than to fight with them over the use of the washer and dryer.

I then fold it and put it on their bed. No big deal.

The Boy has always liked to do laundry with me - from taking it out of the hamper to folding it. I have always let him meticulously fold his own clothes.

Apparently he watches what I fold with great interest.

The hockey players have all worn boxers. On Friday The Boy asked me to buy him a pair of boxers. I let him choose one pair and we looked at the difference between boxers and briefs. I told him that he could try it, and if he liked the boxers we'd think about buying some more.

Today he wore them for the first time.

MFH came out of the bedroom giggling after helping The Boy get dressed for the day.

The Boy tugged his pants down a few inches so you could see the tops of his boxers.

Oh dear.


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