I'm a big kid now!
We registered for kindergarten today.
We registered way back in March or April in the town we used to live in. I guess they want to know how many students to plan for. I tried to register here when we first moved, but nobody works in this district in the summer until August 1, and that's when they started new student registration.
At our old home, The Boy would have been able to walk the one block to school. Then the daycare providers were going to pick him up for the afternoon.
Now, he gets to ride the bus. I remember when he loved to watch buses, but would scream bloody murder if you took him anywhere near one. My little boy is growing up. He's very excited about the bus.
Another big deal is that all day kindergarten passed here. Only it's not all day. It's 8:25 to 2:30. We had the option to pull him out at noon, but then we began to wonder what he would miss and if he would fall behind. I am in a pickle about this. What really would be the point of me staying at home if he's not here? The working moms were huge advocates of the all day kindergarten, but these children will still need some type of daycare until mom or dad gets off work, so what really is the point? I worry that we are pushing our kids too hard and fast.
As long as I have my work at home job, it would be fine. But my boss is still trying to replace me. The update on that is he offered the job to someone, and they turned it down. So he's back to square one.
Anyway, we registered and we bought all the supplies his teacher had on her list. They are stacked neatly in my office along with his new T.ransformers backpack.
And I am left wondering what the heck happened to the past 5 years.
And I worry that the next 13 will pass way too quickly.
We registered way back in March or April in the town we used to live in. I guess they want to know how many students to plan for. I tried to register here when we first moved, but nobody works in this district in the summer until August 1, and that's when they started new student registration.
At our old home, The Boy would have been able to walk the one block to school. Then the daycare providers were going to pick him up for the afternoon.
Now, he gets to ride the bus. I remember when he loved to watch buses, but would scream bloody murder if you took him anywhere near one. My little boy is growing up. He's very excited about the bus.
Another big deal is that all day kindergarten passed here. Only it's not all day. It's 8:25 to 2:30. We had the option to pull him out at noon, but then we began to wonder what he would miss and if he would fall behind. I am in a pickle about this. What really would be the point of me staying at home if he's not here? The working moms were huge advocates of the all day kindergarten, but these children will still need some type of daycare until mom or dad gets off work, so what really is the point? I worry that we are pushing our kids too hard and fast.
As long as I have my work at home job, it would be fine. But my boss is still trying to replace me. The update on that is he offered the job to someone, and they turned it down. So he's back to square one.
Anyway, we registered and we bought all the supplies his teacher had on her list. They are stacked neatly in my office along with his new T.ransformers backpack.
And I am left wondering what the heck happened to the past 5 years.
And I worry that the next 13 will pass way too quickly.
At 12:41 PM,
Jessie said…
It does fly by. It was just yesterday that I was dropping Teenage Boy off at kindergarten dressed in his khaki shorts with frogs on them and his green t-shirt. And he starts high school this year.
Little Boy is right there too. He starts kindergarten in 2 weeks. He's so excited. Everytime I think about it, I cry.
At 12:50 PM,
DD said…
I was just ruminating about my son turning 6 in just a few months. Right now people can still wonder if he's in school or not, but once he tells them he's 6, it won't be a question anymore.
X's school doesn't have a busing system so he will have to be dropped off and picked up by one of us daily, and it is all day, every day for him as well.
I look at it this way: kindergarden will not be so different than his current day care situation, which is much more structured. I'm glad about that.
As far as what you decide to do, maybe a simple part-time job just to get you out and about? Join one of the school's many committees, which I would think would be ideal. All of The Boys friends would get to know you and you could get to know them, especially since there is another 13 years to go.
At 2:08 PM,
Cricket said…
Ssssh, I'm supposed to be outside building a fence.
My son had half day K and I feel it was a waste. He couldn't read at all until half way thru 1st grade. Fine to say to not push, but then they're instantly behind if you don't conform.
I wish he'd had all day. They changed to all day the next year. I blame K for him having rough 1st and 2nd grade reading and, in part, keeping him out of the gifted program now.
K teachers love volunteers. I took a morning each week. Be active in the classroom and you'll be busy for sure. Don't hold him out of K just to occupy yourself, as crass as it sounds to say that!
At 4:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
oooh great point about the volunteering
I hadnt thought about that...
I was just going to add that it is so trite but so true--the days can feel NEVER ENDING (yes. I said it) but the weeks/years fly by.
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