
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I Guess I Am A Do

Tammie at Soul Gardening wrote a post yesterday saying she is a don't. By that she means someone who doesn't fret over their appearance.

I am a Do.

I have only ever left the house once without mascara and that was to go to the store for cranberry juice to alleviate UTI symptoms. I wore mascara even through an episode of pink eye two years ago.

I wear a dress or skirt to work at least 4 days out of 5. With hose. With heels. Having a run in my hose is very stressful for me. I have to carry a spare pair in my brief case. In the summer, with certain longer skirts, I will skip the hose sometimes but never the heels. While I do own a pair of birkenstocks, they are reserved to be worn kind of like slippers - around the house or on the patio watering flowers. I will obsess over a stain or mark of any kind that should appear on my clothes throughout the day. I am a bit OCD that way.

My hair is long and straight so it requires very little preparation. But still, if I am having a bad hair day for any reason, it bugs me.

I have my nails done because I like the look of long manicured nails and in spite of all the products I've tried over the years, my own are thin and brittle.

My dad, whom I will post about later in the week, insisted that I be dressed like a girl all the time. I did not own a pair of pants until I was a toddler. In elementary school I was not allowed to wear pants to school until the sixth grade, and I could never wear clothing that had been patched except on the weekends.

But.....I was raised with three brothers. I can cuss like a sailor. I rough house with The Boy. When he gets the hockey gear out, I play with him. We throw off the helmets and gloves and fight. We jump on the trampoline together. We kick the soccer ball around the yard. I can wield a mean lightsaber. I ride my own Harley Davidson and I can snowmobile with the best of men. So, I guess even though I do obsess about my appearance, I would not qualify as a girly-girl.

Thanks, Tammie, for giving me something to post about today!! ;)


  • At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are welcome! It's neat to see someone else's take on this. The part about the pink eye cracks me up!
    And trust me, my being a don't stems more from laziness than anything else :o)

  • At 12:42 PM, Blogger Not-So-Normal-Mom said…

    I'm right along with you on almost everything. I'm typing with my nails all done up, and I am wearing my skirt and heels, also. BUT, I do not wear panty hose. I even got married last year sans pantyhose. Tacky, right? :-) It was June in San Diego for Christ's sake, and noone could see my legs! I hate pantyhose. Anyway, I only wear a skirt one day out of the week, but I always wear nice dress clothes and heels. I love shoes, also. I wish my shoe budget was a tad bigger, but alas, there are more important things right a house! I have never left the house without make-up. At least, not that I can recall. Anyway...I'm with you, girl!

  • At 1:45 PM, Blogger DD said…

    Relatively speaking, I'm a Maybe.

  • At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am definitely a "don't". I'm impressed about the mascara thing. That takes dedication.


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