
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Would You Like a Little Cheese With That Whine?

You'd think that a day off would bring me back with a whole new attitude, wouldn't you? Especially when that day off consisted of playing, shopping, playing?

Oh, hell no.

By noon today I had to listen to two whining customers. I hate the service related side of this business. Whine, whine, whine.

This is not a tragedy, people. A tragedy is men stuck in a mine or an earthquake in Indonesia. Stop acting like it's the end of the freakin' world.

And then? When we do respond to your emergency, and quickly I might add, please do not call me and whine about the cost of the repair. Just pay the damn bill.

This is why you have money and I don't. I pay my bills.


  • At 12:55 PM, Blogger DD said…

    Maybe part of your customer service is to have a wheel of cheese and when they start whining, interrupt them with an offer of cheese. See who gets it.


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