
Just a mom raising The Boy (adopted from Guatemala) along with my fabulous husband (MFH). I am a shoe whore, especially of the high heeled variety. Hence, the nickname.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Too Cool for School

For a lot of reasons, the boy started a new preschool today. He had been at the old one for 2.5 years - basically since we brought him home and I went back to work full time. We've talked about him moving to a new school since early in January. By talked about it, I mean all of us - the boy, MFH, and me. In February we had one chosen and got on a waiting list. Today was the day.

Frankly, I was worried. He has only ever had one caregiver and has spent the majority of his life with this one group of kids. But the boy is full of self-confidence. And since we spend the majority of our social time at the local hockey arena, he is used to being around a lot of people and is constantly meeting new people. In spite of all that, he seems so small, and is still only three years old.

We walked in to school, the boy with his head held high. I was prepared to stay for awhile, thinking he would need some mommy time to adjust to this new situation. We met the new caregiver and one teacher. He was introduced to three of his classmates. Ten minutes later I left, feeling very proud of my son.

And I cried all the way to work.


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